Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Professional Etiquette Tips

Professional Etiquette Tips

In a corporate world, every action and every behavior is noticed. You need to be at the best of your professional behavior. Professional etiquette is something that you just cannot ignore. It adds to your overall personality and affects your profession especially when you go for client meetings, business development, sales pitch etc.
Some of the must have professional etiquettes are as follows:
Professional Etiquette Tips

Always listen to fellow members or clients in a meeting attentively.

A good listener is always appreciated.

Do not interrupt anyone. However, if you do so unintentionally, apologize and let the other person finish.

Do not be too aggressive while conversing.

Be strong in your communication but present it calmly.

Your tone should always be polite.

Maintain a good body language and eye contact.

While talking, look at everybody so that they feel you are not are not talking to just one person.
Keep your conversations short and to the point.

Do not make it speech-like. Try and avoid getting personal at anyone to avoid any sort of conflicts. Be reasonable in your arguments and politely beg to differ in case you do. Avoid harsh tone and polish your language. Maintain your sobriety and politeness. Avoid fidgeting of any sort and do not put your hands on the face while in a conversation.
Professional hand shakes should be firm. However, ensure your handshake is not so firm that it crushes or hurts the other person’s hand. Be confident while shaking hands and do not forget to smile.
Always wear neat and nicely pressed formal clothes during meetings. Choose sober colors like white, beige, blue, brown, black etc. Women should avoid wearing dresses that expose too much. Do not wear very heavy make-up. Be neat and clean. Make sure that you have well manicured nails. Do not wear jewellery that is too heavy or chunky.
You can wear heels for a good body posture. Maintain a good hair style and tie them up for a cleaner look. Wear clothes which you are comfortable in so that you can carry them well. This is very important while you are in a business meeting or client presentation. Men should also be neatly dressed. Always polish your shoes. Keep you nails and hair short. Wear a good belt and a tie.
When you are introduced to someone, stand up to meet or greet the person, shake hands or nod your head and smile. While having official dinner, offer the seat to your guests first, in some case, clients. Be punctual and thank the host for the dinner. Initiate conversations while waiting for the food. Avoid pointing the knife or fork towards the other person while eating and speaking. Learn basic table manners to dine with a potential client or an important business meet. Avoid talking when there is food in your mouth. Switch off or put your mobile phones in silent mode while in a meeting. In case it is an urgent call excuse yourself and take permission for taking the call.

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