Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Spiritual Growth and Development

Spiritual Growth and Development

Spiritual growth is the process of evolving your inner self, your consciousness. It is a method through which you awaken the soul within through meditation and feel the energetic vibrations within. Spiritual growth and development helps you know more about yourself.
When we grow spiritually our perception changes and the way we see the world around us also changes. Spiritual growth and development brings about a positive change in our life. Not only we become optimistic and positive in life but also become calmer and peaceful. This growth helps us to deal with negativity around us. We reflect upon life and look for deeper meanings. Anger and other negative emotions take a back seat and we start feeling happy and comfortable in any circumstances.
Spiritual Growth and DevelopmentAs we grow spiritually, our attitude toward life also changes for the better in a number of ways. Most of our problems stem from our own perceptions and expectations of ourselves and of the world. Spirituality and inner engineering may not help you to change the world but it definitely helps you to change the way you perceive the world. One will realize that this solves half the problems of your life. Someone has aptly put it that spiritual journey makes you see the world with a new pair of glasses!
Spiritual growth and development helps you to imbibe humility. As we embark on a spiritual journey, pride, jealously, selfishness starts to melt away. You start becoming humble, generous and nonviolent. Every experience in our life can teach us something if we have a humble approach towards life. When we are spiritually inclined we can keep stress at bay and spread the message of love and peace around. We realize that our equations with people around us change. We value relationships and there is also a tendency of helping others.
Spirituality helps us to develop detachment, which leads to inner peace. We learn to rise above frustration and disappointment. Meditation, a part of spiritual growth and development not just has physical health benefits but also increases our concentration and sharpens our mind. People, who are spiritually inclined, lead a balanced lifestyle. A holistic approach towards our life and our overall mental and physical being comes into play as we start to realize that everything is related to our spiritual growth.
Spiritual growth is also characterized by a growing connection with God and hence prayers play an important part in spiritual growth and development. Chanting ancient scriptures also helps us to achieve peace which most of us miss in our busy stressful lives. Spiritual growth and development helps us develop a deep understanding of who we really are and how we can grow internally. Our inner power and strength increases tremendously.
Spirituality and inner peace is a way of life. It helps you to develop great strength and courage. It builds our endurance levels and we can take a complete charge of our life thereby living a life that has no regrets, no guilt and/or no anger. Spiritual growth and development can help to make human beings better citizens.

Need for Personal Growth

Don’t we keep discussing and debating on how important is personal growth for us as an individual? But do we really know what personal growth is? We always try to associate monetary upscale as a personal growth but trust me the term personal growth encompasses much more than you can think and definitely more than just a rise in economic ladder.
Look at the world around you and you will see we are all personally undeveloped people and why do I say that? Everywhere you will see you will find violence, prejudice, illness and hatred and what does all this denote? It is time for us to spare time for ourselves and sit and think. We must ask ourselves why this happening is. What can we do to change this negativity? Could this be the reason why we need personal growth? Then is it possible that we can do something about it?
Need for Personal GrowthWe need personal growth on our lives because the only person you can change is yourself, and who knows, maybe that change can affect everybody around you. However much you try you can not change other people, they might change after getting influenced by you but that is something that you think because if they change it will be because they feel it is high time. You may be a bit skeptical about this idea but there is proof. This proof is from a scientific study known as Quantum Physics and The Law of Attraction. So the question why we need personal growth can be answered by the Law of Attraction. Actually the laws of Quantum Physics prove that all things are made of energy. Hence, your desires and thoughts are just energy. They are non-physical realities that are not yet visible in the physical world.
Since our thoughts and desires are simply energy, this means that whatever you focus your thoughts on makes your reality. But when you focus on thinking about the things that you are afraid of, the things that you dislike or you do not want, you create and attract more of the negative in your life. However, when you focus your thoughts on the things that you want or you desire, you attract much of it in abundance. This is where personal growth plays a part.
When you think about good things, that energy attracts the same kind of energy. If your mind is focused on something that is positive and happy, you attract other people who are also positive and happy. Then the people around you, who are miserable or unsuccessful will either move away or change their thoughts into a more positive one. This is exactly why we need personal growth.

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