Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Fight Negative Thoughts

Fight Negative Thoughts

As human beings we are constantly dealing with negative thoughts such as anger, irritation, stress, frustration, fear, guilt, regret, sadness, disappointment etc. Negative thoughts can not only harm our mental equilibrium but can also affect our physical well being. We deal with negative thoughts in our daily life when we shout at someone, deal with people who irritate us or hurt us and sometimes we just develop negative thoughts by sitting idle and thinking or imagining. Negative thoughts and feelings are one the worst things we can experience as a human being. But at the same time it is not possible to remain positive at all points. Negative thoughts can creep in our minds and can disturb you. But this is where the power of positive thinking helps. Try to avoid negative thoughts and rather than ignoring it, deal with it. Face the fear and do not worry in anticipation of things.
Fight Negative ThoughtsWe need to learn to detach our negative thoughts and emotions and think like an outsider. Since we think about hundreds of thoughts per day, some of them can affect how we feel. The biggest one being fear – fear of losing, fear of failing, fear of being lonely etc. Our mind sucks us into a whirlpool of negative thoughts and we lose our mental peace and balance of life. We become irrational and lose the control over our emotions.
There are some people who are constantly analyzing their feelings. They need to stop doing this as this will always cause you to have negative emotions. Negative thinking will cause tension in your body, and your subconscious will stop working. Negative thoughts also stem from thinking about what others think of you. People put pressure on their self and try to become something that they are not only because they have a perception of what others think of them. This not only leads to negativity but builds so much pressure! What others think of you is none of your concern. Every individual is unique and you must remain true to your self.
If you want to get rid of negative thoughts, do not fight your mind and body. You need to be in harmony and in peace with your body and thoughts. Just let the thoughts come as if you do not have total control over them. Your thoughts should be aligned. When a negative situation comes up, let it be. Do not mull over it. Do not fight it or constantly think about it and get worried. Accept that there are some things which are beyond your control. Hence what you are thinking inside your mind will not change the situation. In fact it will only hamper your mind without solving the problem. When any negative thoughts come to your mind, just prepare yourself mentally, become aware of it, and most importantly, become conscious of it through mind, body and soul.
Negative emotions are not something which you can delete or erase. You need to learn to deal with them such that they do not affect or harm you in any way. Acceptance and assimilation are two key words. Even negative emotions can teach you so much – so the key is to learn even from your negative thoughts and pick up positive traits in them.

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