Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Improving Listening

Tips for Improving Listening and Conversation Skills

Tip 1: Ask Follow-Up Questions to keep the conversation moving forward and show that you are interested in what your conversation partner has to say.

“What happened next?”
“Why do you say that?”
“How/When/Where did that happen?”
“What did you say?”

Tip 2: Use Rejoinders such as that's too bad, that's great, or I'm sorry to hear that to
demonstrate to your conversation partner that you understood what they said and are
reacting to it. Rejoinders do not convey any new information, but they serve the important
function of keeping the conversation going.
“Wow, that’s amazing!”
“That must have been a great experience.”

Tip 3: Use Positive Body Language to show your listener that you are paying attention to
what they have to say and are interested in talking to them.
Look at the person
Maintain eye-contact
Nod your head
“What do you think about that?”
“Did you like it?”
“Do you enjoy working there?”
“What’s your favorite part of the project?”
“That’s so funny.”
“That’s great.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“That’s too bad.”
“Oh no!”
“That’s terrible!”
Don’t cross your arms
Don’t be distracted by your cell phone or
other electronic devices

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