Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Role of Emotions

Role of Emotions

Emotions are nothing but the feelings that we experience within us such as happiness, loneliness, anger, pride, anxiety, regret, shame, guilt, excitement, love, etc depending on our experiences and the stimuli we receive from our surroundings and people around. Every individual has a unique perception of the event and every individual feels it differently. That is the reason why some people are considered to be more emotional than others.
Role of EmotionsOur emotions are the primary influencing factor for every definitive action that we make as a human being. We experience emotions right from the time we are born. Gradually as we grow up, we tend to understand the world around us in a better way and also develop a better understanding of our own emotions. Emotions are the key part of our life and they affect our overall being and behavior. As humans, we are constantly experiencing different types of emotions be it anger, sadness, happiness, guilt or anything else. The role of emotions dictates our actions more often than not. Hence, getting a complete hold of your emotions is very necessary to lead a stable life. The role of emotions in motivating behavior is also an important aspect of understanding our addictions. Without emotions, addiction does not exist. Without that intense need addiction does not exist.
We, human beings, are living in a close knit society where our behavior and action is determined by our past experiences. Some of the emotions like fear, anger, love and grief are so strong that they force us to things which one would not even think of doing otherwise. On the other hand, many people even being successful or getting old have a good grip on their emotions.
There are many times when so many of us experience strong emotions. These strong and intense emotions are good but it is bad to let them overpower you. Most of us knowingly or unknowingly come in the control of these intense emotions. In the situations like these our body secrets a lot of hormones which makes it difficult for our brain to take any decisions. During such times, our decisions become biased and we base them upon our past experiences. When intense emotions surround us, we get into depression and then we become dangerous not just for our own self but also for others. For example, when we are angry we do not realize how our behavior is hurting others and harming our own body. In psychological sense, this is a state where we have no control on emotions and thus our brain weakens in controlling emotions.
To come out of such situations we need to exert a certain control over our emotions. We need to be strong to face any emotional imbalance or disturbance. For this we need to understand emotions and its role in our life. We need to realize that up to what extent we can get a control of our emotions. People who commit suicide have no control over their emotions. They never realize that they are a victim of their own emotions. We need a brain and a heart strong enough so that no emotion can take control of us. This can be achieved by cultivating hobbies, doing things that please us, inculcating a sense of optimism and positivity around and practicing breathing exercises and meditation.

Emotion Intelligence as it relates to Personality Development

You personality has a profound effect on your day to day life. Personality development can make your life easier – especially if some consideration is given to emotional intelligence. Emotion intelligence governs how we read people, how they read us and our reaction to specific events that occur. Your emotional intelligence can be enhanced. Personality development is one such way that this can be accomplished. Coming to terms with how your personality takes control of your life via subconscious cues is one way that you can start to learn to have some control over it.
 Personality DevelopmentEmotional intelligence may be affected by a traumatic experience or improper emotional conditioning during childhood. Exploring the issue may help overcome any hindrance that a person have in regards to a specific circumstance or event. For example, if someone who has just lost a loved one talks to you about it and you start telling jokes at their expense – this can be indicative of a low emotional intelligence on your behalf. You have obviously misread the severity of the situation and you have also not adequately judged what their likely reaction will be. Personality development can help you discover why you have reacted this way and introduce steps to overcome this.
While it may be debatable how closely linked personality and emotional intelligence are – it can’t be denied that personality has some effect on how our emotions take hold of our being. It will be harder for someone who is fairly resilient to stress and depression to be mired down with their own problems. Having the will to power through rough times and not becoming depressed about insignificant issues shows a tremendous strength in regards to personality and emotions. Personality development can still help such people reach their full potential. For those of us who are easily upset then it is probably going to have a dramatic change in our emotional intelligence.

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